Fresh Paneer

Paneer is a fresh cheese common in South Asia, especially in Indian cuisines. It is an unaged, acid-set, non-melting cheese. It is primarily used to prepare various Indian curries and sweet dishes such as Palak Paneer, Rasgulla, Rasmalai, Paneer parantha, Paneer tikka masala, Shahi Paneer and many more.


1 liter full fat milk (volle melk)

2 tablespoon Lemon Juice


1. Transfer milk to a pot and bring it to boil.


2. Add lemon juice and mix it well. The milk will start to curdle (if it does not curdle then add more lime juice), turn off the gas and allow it to settle for 1 min. Pour it in a thin muslin/cheese cloth and drain excess liquid.


3. For paneer cubes, tie a knot in muslin cloth and squeeze remaining liquid and place a heavy object on it into a block. After 2 hours remove the cloth and cut it into pieces.

Shakti Aarna

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1 Comment

  • Nishant sinha

    Plz post some paneer dish recipes..

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